Cars & trucks auctioned every Wednesday

NCAA is one of Georgia's leading auto   auctions. We're here to help you purchase or   sell the vehicle(s) of your choice.

We have extensive experience with vehicle   auctions and know how to make your   experience with us pleasurable and   successful.

NCAA auctions hundreds of vehicles every    Wednesday evening beginning at 7pm.

These vehicles include dealer consignments   and local bank repossessions .Our auction   inventory consists of domestics, imports, 4X4   trucks, SUVs, Mini-vans, sports cars,

NCAA auctions are open to the public.   Whether you're a dealer or individual,   everyone is welcome to buy and sell.

Registration covers one bidder badge and guest badge. No Children under the age of 16.

417 Lovers Lane Rd., SE, Calhoun, Ga 30701

Telephone: 706-624-1944     Fax: 706-625-7288